Monday, June 2, 2008

What would you put in a Charlotte time capsule?

In yesterday's column, I answered a reader's question about a time capsule buried in 1959 at Charlottetown Mall. And I posed this question: What would you put in a time capsule buried today in Charlotte? I'm curious what you have to say.


Anonymous said...

A gallon of gas.

Kerry Hoffman said...

A canker worm

Anonymous said...

The CMS Board, city council, and county commissioners.

Anonymous said...

a charlotte native

Anonymous said...

I'll put in a newspaper clipping of the outerbelt not finished and twenty years late it still wont be finished. VOILA'
By Jimmy VOILA'

Anonymous said...

I'll put in a pair of my underwear and ill bet they will reap in twenty years.

Anonymous said...

how about a locke of Amys hair in one moneth it will be gray because of the observer.

Anonymous said...

the newspaper, a CD,a panther's jersey, a bottle of red dirt, a Sundrop,and a pair of Rainbow flip flops.

Anonymous said...

A picture of Hillary Clinton crying.

Anonymous said...

a picture of the Charlotte skyline,
the newspaper, a bag of Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks coffee,and a
bottle of NC wine.

Anonymous said...

a menu from Price's chicken coop.

Anonymous said...

I'd put Pat McCrory in it - based on early polling - it looks like that's the only way we can get rid of him...

Anonymous said...

...a picture of the Charlotte skyline, if it had one.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The only things worth saving in Charlotte were torn down and paved over at least 15 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Id put in a copy of Charlotte Observer in ;so when Rupert Murdock takes it over we can see a thechanges; And a picture of all the staff and see whos still there.
Jimmy earthworm Lea
Please say no to fishing

Anonymous said...

An instruction booklet about how to properly merge on the interstate

Anonymous said...

An IPod, and an IPhone as well as the trendiest outfit one could find. Plus, an issue of Uptown Magazine would be a nice addition to the time capsule.

Anonymous said...

The Charlotte Observer pre-McClatchy layoffs.

Anonymous said...

a note that says.... do yourself a favor in the long run and move back to where ever you came from.