Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The bus!

This fall will mark five years since my move to Charlotte. I'd been married about three weeks. My husband and I loved living in New York but it wasn't practical for us for the long term -- not for buying a house and raising a family.

We wanted a lower cost of living and a house with a yard. We wanted to be closer to family in the Southeast and Midwest.

This morning I was struck my an unexpected advantage to life here over New York. Something so simple. The school bus.

This is the transcript of my morning trip to daycare, coming from my toddler daughter in her carseat:

The bus!
The bus!
The bus!
The bus!
The bus!
The bus!

Yeah, we passed a lot of school buses. So on days when I miss public transportation, favorite restaurants or the sheer energy of New York, this is what I am going to think about. The bus!

Hey, newcomers or anyone who has moved to Charlotte from somewhere else, want to share an unexpected surprise to living here? Post it here. Thanks.


Anonymous said...
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chupacabra said...

Wow so it only took three sentences to get to New York.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

C'mon Guys---this is a newcomer column for people who have come from elsewhere. It's perfectly OK and natural to talk about where you've been. In fact most newcomers usually spend the first year or two comparing Charlotte to their former home. Mentioning that you liked living in New York is not a criticism of Charlotte---in fact this column and blog is full of what makes Charlotte great and special.
