Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nothing to do here?

Can't find anything to do around here? Head to That's what Editor Rick Thames advises in a message on today's front page.

New on A searchable calendar of nearly 15,000 happenings along with maps, directions and nearby restaurants. I checked it out and found an event I happened to be searching for yesterday -- Art & Soul on South End -- at the top of the page as the "Best Bet."

Check it out yourself on or go to (no www).


Anonymous said...

Thank GOD for projects like Birkdale Village, The Village at Lake Norman and Langtree at the Lake, etc etc. This gives people places to go and things to do - they become gathering spots for the community.

Anonymous said...

Try McDowell park in Steele creek they have many trails going around rippling streams and 2 mile loops and shorter; Real nice foothills back there with greast veiws of th lake try that aslo park rangers keeping the safety so its real nice when they charge 3 dollars on the weekends for and free on weekdays but Rangers are all around so you safer back there than on the street.

Anonymous said...

You could always wait around and get robbed since our crime problem is out of control.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte needs a good Puerto Rican restaurant :) mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

There's PLENTY to do here if you let yourself branch out and go for it. Let's not get too negative, here, folks. Nobody likes to hear this, but at the end of the day, your attitude shapes a lot of what you experience. I remember an old story about an a new neighbor (insert co-worker at new job, etc.) who asked an old neighborhood resident how they liked it "here", and they [intentionally] gave a noncomittal/neutral answer and turned it back on the questioner "So how did you like it where you were/lived before?" If the newcomer complained about where they used to live, that said a lot. If they gushed about how much they'd loved it where they were before, that also said a lot. Not to be too Robert Fulghum about it, but your attitude can make a huge difference. However, YES! YES! YES! sometimes there are Truly Bad Situations (I had one with my 1st job here in Charlotte) but sometimes it really is YOU and your attitude and not your situation. It's discerning where the difference lies, I think, that leads to true growth. If you were uniformly miserable in Fargo, ND, Key West, FL, Chicago, IL, and Random Suburb, CA (examples only) then you're just boxing the compass and the problem is most likely with YOU and not with where you live. However, if you truly are or have been out of synch with your particular location/type of locations, then you will probably have a variety of positive & negative experience and opinions about different areas, which could help you identify trends and realize that maybe you just aren't, say a city person, a country person, a beach person, or a person who can't handle excessively hot/cold weather, etc. and that is not a bad thing. It's just a learning experience then and you can move on from there. When I was applying to college in the early '90s, I heard Greensboro was the most boring and non-party town ever. Hmmmm. That would be what my sister calls a "Not So". I attended LOTS of parties as a student at UNCG (probably a lot more than I should have) and there was PLENTY to do (my grades would have been MUCH better had there been less). YOU make a difference about your experience, wherever it is!!!

Anonymous said...

Could everybody keep their posts to a small novel; This last lady must not have anything better to do than sit on this computer.

Anonymous said...

CHRIT 37 thank you for the declaration of independence.