Wednesday, April 2, 2008

One newcomer's first impressions

Newcomer Jenny Brantley recently e-mailed me about some of her first impressions about Charlotte. The stay-at-home mom moved to South Charlotte from Allentown, Pa. in August with husband, Bill (a structural engineer), and children Mary Kate (3 1/2) and Graham (a year old today).

I think her list of impressions is a talker. In fact, I recall being struck by the same five things myself when I was a newcomer. Here they are:

1. In South Charlotte, you have to shower daily and wear lipstick. Gone are the days of a quick run to the grocery in sweat and baseball hats! Preschool drop-offs require full hair and fabulous outfits, in particular.

2. The YMCA is cool. We have never seen this before!!! YMCAs at our previous homes were homeless shelters -- that's it.

3. We have lived here since August and have yet to meet a native Charlottean. Do they exist? All our neighbors and friends are transplants like us.

4. Downtown is really uptown!

5. Despite any water shortages, cars must be super clean at all times.

So how does Jenny feel about living here?

"We love it -- especially now that we know the ropes!," she said in her e-mail.


Anonymous said...

Keep em' coming as long as our home prices continue to fare better than the rest of the country. For Ex. Clt was the only major metro region out of 20 to be + in home values over the past year. We welcome all newcomers for that very reason. Adapting to the Southern way of life may take time but we'll be happy to ease the transition, and smile while doing it. Thanks for coming!
Native Charlottean.

Anonymous said...

I'm a native and I'm making a one woman effort to eliminate the "grocery store fashion show." Feel free to join my campaign. All are welcome!

Anonymous said...

Another native here! I must admit that I must shower and dress before going out in public, though :)

Anonymous said...

Another native, but I wear whatever I want when I got out, whether comfortable or dressy, because this is "my" town and I can look however I want. That said, I would also be willing to help newcomers assimilate and show them the ropes!

Anonymous said...

Eliminate two of your problems by moving out of south Charlotte... your wardrobe and car exterior cleanliness won't be issues any longer

Anonymous said...

Although I'm not a woman so i don't know what the Fashion show experience is like.

I do not like the whole snooty or pretentious attitude, this is the reason I will not live in South Charlotte, I do not need a false sense of self importance to feel good about myself.

Anonymous said...

You need to clarify that Ballantyne/Piper Glen is the snooty part, not south Charlotte in general.

Don't forget to "Pass Left, Stay Right."

Anonymous said...

I'm a native who grew up and still lives in the SouthPark area. No need to shower and put on make-up. I'm perfectly content strolling into whatever establishment on a Saturday in the area.

In fact, I tend to poke fun at those who dress up to go to the mall.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I dont shower for three days in a row and I love it; I drive a jelopy and show up stinking to high heavens; I tell People Ive lived here all my life and am from the South, although im from Ohio. In Ohio it never gets hot so showers are taken as needed. After I get ripe after three days I bathe in a salt bath; I buy water softening salt from LOWEs [ The blue bag in the plumbing area} under rock salt; This kills off the odor and cleans me up real good. I havent had a dat for years ,wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I just got back from Washington D.C. and loved every minute of it; Saw the new spy museum and was amazed. I saw Madame tusades wax museum , Arlington and the air force memorial and much , much more. D.C. is a great city with great food , great People and so much to do and so little time. Nine women to every man also and was asked out on a coninued basis.

Anonymous said...

Her problem is she lives in the Ballantyne/Piper Glen area. I'm born and raised in Charlotte and hope I never have to live down there. Try moving in closer inside the I-485 corridor to one of these neighborhoods: Southpark, Cotswald, Dilworth, Myers Park, Sedgefield, Elizabeth, Plaza-Midwood. You get less house, but you also get better neighborhoods, less traffic, friendlier people, less Northerners (they all move to the 'burbs cause they don't know any better). That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it!

Anonymous said...

Northerners move to uptown, Dilworth, NoDa, Plaza, Elizabeth, Southpark and Myers Park. If they move to the Burbs it is because they came from the Burbs up North and prefer that lifestyle.

Now if they moved next door to you then one could say "they didn't know any better". Just kidding :-)

Really great to see nice welcoming comments on this blog for once. Why don't all of us try to keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, the more money you have or your house paid off you may enjoy this experience; If you are a bottom feeder here you will have a problem; Most People are lucky to make $9.00 dollars and hour because of no UNIONS. Try to live in North Charlotte, East Charlotte or the West side, bodies are being found daily. The seedy lifestyle of drugs and prostitution are catching up with the urban life.

Anonymous said...

Face it, if your rich and drive a fine car you will like what you see , however, if your on the other side of the tracks its a life of crime , gangs and other heart stopping events. The Solution is bring People here who already have paychecks coming in and not TURDS that show up on the door step looking for a job.

Anonymous said...

"Face it, if your rich and drive a fine car you will like what you see , however, if your on the other side of the tracks its a life of crime , gangs and other heart stopping events. The Solution is bring People here who already have paychecks coming in and not TURDS that show up on the door step looking for a job."

The same can be said for any city. I don't see the point, sorry.

Patti C said...

Being born and raised in east Charlotte (Windsor Park),part of the problem is the city will only pump money into the south side of town. You never see the city say we should put a big fancy mall where Eastland is! No we are going to put a new bus depot. Like that is is helping matters much. Move to the east side of town dress however you want to go to the store and help a neighbor with beautiful homes who just need some love

Anonymous said...

'3. We have lived here since August and have yet to meet a native Charlottean. Do they exist? All our neighbors and friends are transplants like us.'

That's because you probably live in a new neighborhood which is full of transplants.