Wednesday, May 14, 2008

North vs. South Explained

Yesterday I asked if there's a difference in how the North and South celebrate Memorial Day. Today I am addressing the responses.

Some readers think that I too often turn to the North-South debate to generate blog traffic. Not true. In fact, this query was the first North-South-themed entry since I started this blog on Feb. 21. Often, it's readers who take a neutral topic and turn it into a North-South debate. Check out the responses to a March 24 entry about a newcomer from Rochester, N.Y. who called people in Charlotte bad drivers.

I write about what makes living in Charlotte different than anywhere else. In the past, newcomers have noted that Memorial Day is different here than other places they've lived. I'm preparing a column about the history of the holiday and wondered what you readers thought.

One thing that hopefully nobody disagrees with: Memorial Day is a time to spend with family and remember loved ones, no matter where you live.


Anonymous said...


You mention in your response that you write about what makes living in Charlotte different than anywhere else (specific) yet you posed the question yesterday about the difference between how the North and South celebrate Memorial Day (general). Unless you suppose that Charlotte IS the South (your on your own with that one) you should not have been surprised with the reactions of the readers yesterday. You may have posed the question, "How does celebration of Memorial Day in Charlotte differ from other cities? Is it better?" Unfortunately you played the North vs. South card. Some enjoy it, apparently; while others have grown tired of its connotations.

Anonymous said...

Good points, Mike. If Amy were being honest then she'd just admit that the sole point of her blog is to generate hits and she does this by playing on locals' resentment of Yankees. Cheap 'journalism' has its place but I wish that Amy would at least own up to it.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that “we” all hear this north vs. south stuff all the time and we’re sick of it. Of course the issue of someone from Rochester complaining about drivers in Charlotte turned into a north vs. south issue. It turns into that whenever some idiot yankee starts going on and on about how much better it is up north. What I find amusing is that since all of the yankees live in the same area of town when they are complaining about how “we” can’t drive, chances are they are really complaining about each other.

And yes I’m sorry but if you are from up north you are a yankee. Not only that but your kids are yankees too. If a cat had kittens in the oven you don’t call them biscuits.

We’re a forgiving bunch around here. If you stop the constant complaining and actually become a part of our community then you’re more than welcome to stay. However, if you continuously point to every little real or perceived flaw as some sort of justification of how better things are up north then bless your little heart, you should go home.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Memorial Day is not considered a holiday for UNCC (state) employees. That would never fly in other states.

Anonymous said...

Look Amy are you sure your not blonde; Just kidding. Liegh used to try this subject and the whole city gets in an uproar. Heres waht happened the British tried to seperate half the U.S. by making the MASON DIXOn line and they were seen giving aid to the Confederated ' God Bless them. They were trying another time to get half the U.S. back after the war of 1812' Yes folks thats what the civil war was really all about not slavery.

Anonymous said...

This secret about the war of 1812 where they tried to get the U.s. from Ohio and the battle of Lake Erie. look up perrys monument on Lake Erie islands. The war of 1812 didnt work so they tried with the civil war and was going for half of their investment . Now the whole Country is owned by the British because they own %90 percent of all corporations and I love it. The British have always owned this Country for three hundred years. And Queen Charlotte was mulato thank you very much

Anonymous said...

I have a confession to make to Charlottes People. here goes, I once tried to jump off Perrys monument but it was to high and I got scared and ran down the stairs. I was upset over a young love that dumped me. I cried for three hours straight over here.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Amy - own up to it. It's a cheap trick and one the Observer has used ad-freaking-nauseam. Your quick response of adding two additional posts TODAY to make this debacle go away is pretty transparent too. Have you learned your lesson yet?

Anonymous said...

"Have you learned your lesson yet?"

Only when the paychecks for the blog stop will she learn the lesson, it seems.

Anonymous said...

WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!