Thursday, March 6, 2008

Newcomers in the news

A colleague in the library here recently printed out something cool she found while looking for something else in our microfilm of old issues. (Thanks, Maria.) Here's a headline from the front page on Sunday, Feb. 2, 1964: "How Newcomers Like Carolinas."

Nine reporters asked 10 families new to the Carolinas -- from Columbia, S.C. to Albemarle, N.C. -- "how they felt about living here."

The answers -- well, talk about deja vu.

Shopping was a problem. Not enough of it. Cultural activities were also lacking. The cost of living was higher than those newcomers had expected.

But neighbors were friendly. And it was a good place to raise a family or start a business. The weather and proximity between ocean and mountains was also ideal.

So what do you think? What's changed since 1964? What hasn't?


Anonymous said...

May have had a lack of shopping back then, but now that's about all there is to Charlotte. Stores, retaurants, seeing and being seen at silly galas with your new dress and shoes from SouthPark.

Anonymous said...

Nothing's changed.

People liked to complain in 1964 and people like to complain in 2008

unicorn1824 said...

Welcome aboard Amy!

I'd like to think we're a whole lot more tolerant of people of other races and religions than we were in 64. We're getting there with sexual orientation but we still have a ways to go IMO.