Tuesday, October 28, 2008

DIEBROKE: one license plate mystery solved

Remember yesterday's story on vanity plates? Well, one license plate puzzle mentioned in it -- DIEBROKE -- has just been solved. Thanks to owner Dick Dunn for reading the story and e-mailing to explain.

First, here's the part of the story where Dunn's plate is mentioned:
"Personalized plates are fleeting messages whizzing by on I-485 or mysteries to solve while stuck in traffic.
Does the driver of a Toyota Scion, spotted in Huntersville, with a plate that reads “MUTZNUTZ” like pound puppies? Is the owner of a Buick Park Avenue, seen at South Boulevard and Tyvola Road with “DIEBROKE,” really living it up?"

Here's what the e-mail Dunn just sent in:

"I truly enjoyed your article in yesterday's paper on vanity tags. They are always interesting to read, and read about. I am the person with the Buick Park Avenue with 'DIEBROKE,' but at 76 years old, I am not 'really living it up.' 'DIEBROKE' is from a book Stephen Pollan wrote back in 1997 on financial planning. Stephen Pollan is from Manhattan and is a very successful financial planner. Since I was close to retiring back then, the book interested me, and have tried to follow all of his great ideas regarding finances. With the economy the way it is today, this should be the No. 1 best seller of all books, especially with young people. I try to encourage everyone to read the book. Again, thank you for the article and keep up the good writings."

Got a vanity plate? Seen a clever one on the road? Keep 'em coming. Post here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yankee Plate "arson4rnt"

Anonymous said...

I saw one in another state U812 or this one "URANIS" I think they meant the Planet in the universe.